Saturday, May 31, 2008

Katrina's winning Painting

Katrina, my 9 year old granddaughter entered 2 paintings in an artist competition. there were 43 entries and she took 3rd place with one of them. here is her winning entry. She called it Just For Fun.

We are soooooooo proud of her. The other painting was called For Daddy and it is the second painting that is posted

Winning painting

the other painting For Daddy

Friday, May 30, 2008

Valley Waterfall

This painting was soooooo much fun to do. It's a Bob Ross RT(Registered Trademark)

You can find this painting to try in his Volume 23 # 8 Book.

You start with a white canvas and paint it with black gesso, wait for it to dry then over paint with your oils.

This painting is great for beginners like myself and if you never painted before you will be amazed at the results.

Try it........ you will fall in love with the idea that you can do this....

Painted May 29th, 2008


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oval Essence

Well I went for my Level One Certification In the States, I have to go back 2 more times in order to get my Level 3 and then I will be certified to Teach the Bob Ross method of painting.

Our Instuctor, Darryl, was fantastic, he taught me allot, there's a certain way to hold and load the brushes and knives in order to get the results that we are looking for. hopefully, I will remember and practice what he taught.

I received my Level One Certificate and a cool Bob Ross Mug and pen and many new friends.....

Here is what I painted ( with instructions from Darryl) on Wednesday ( our third day there) May 7th, 2008

Katrina's Just for Fun painting

Katrina my 9 year old granddaughter was over on Monday May 12 and painted this by herself. I thought she did a terrific job. She mentioned that she just loves painting but what she loves the most is after she is finished and she gets to scoop up all the paint and make a new pile of color with the left over paint, although she doesn't like cleaning the brushes she will do it b/c Grandma said if you want to paint you have to keep the brushes clean and in good shape......

Notice the birds in the sky

here's her painting.