May 5th 2012 Paintings.
This day only we will do 3 paintings in 1 day. the cost for all 3 will be $120.00
any 1 painting : $60.00
any 2 paintings : $100.00
or all 3 paintings : $120.00
I supply ( for classroom use only ) everything you will need to complete your masterpiece
please sign up with Karen ( 204-376-5576) with a non-refundable deposit of $20.00 and let her know
which paintings you will be doing.
Cheques are written to :
Arborg Bifrost Parks and Rec. Commission
Box 555 Arborg, MB. R0C 0A0
please wear suitable clothing for painting in
This is our First Painting of the day, we will start at 9:00 am so please be here for 8:45 am
This will be our second painting for the day, we should be starting at 1:00 pm or so
This will be our third painting that day, this will make a beautiful Christmas gift or keep it for yourself and hang it during the holiday season.
We should be starting this one around 4:30 or so