Thursday, October 2, 2008

Seascapes, Landscapes & November's Painting

Well it's official I'm Certified as a Bob Ross Instructor. I have completed my 3rd level and I proudly took my certificate September 19. I made some great friends there and I feel we had excellent instructors. Anyone considering going for their certification I highly recommend going to Waseca Mn. they have a fantastic facility and lots of supplies. The people there are very nice from the hotel staff at American Motel Inn ( where I stayed) to Viking Wood and Crafts (where I took the course).

I have posted some of my paintings that we did in class, although I don't like doing seascapes I finally got the hang of it with my instructor Mary coaching me ( she was very patient with me) .

I have included the painting that we will be doing during my classes on November 1 in Arborg and November 2nd in Riverton ( it's the last painting).

If you would like me to come to your area to set up a class please send me an email .

I hope you will be able to see these clearly enough.

Bernice CRI ( Certified Ross Instructor)

This Painting is called the Northern Lights we will be painting it during the November class


Sandi Berg said...

Wow! These are all gorgeous! I really like all of them but I think my absolute favorite is the waterfall. I would love to try this one next summer!

Bernice said...

Thanks for the compliment Each took about 2 1/2 hours to paint.